The Sunrise period for these domain names runs until March 19, 2015. During the Sunrise Period, trademark owners with a valid SMD file (Signed Mark Data) can apply for 2-character .SAARLAND domain names that correspond with their brand. The 2-character domain names that are not registered in the Sunrise Period, will be offered as regular premium domain names as of March 26, 2015. A list of all premium names will be available here as of mid-February.
During the current Sunrise period for 2-character domain names, all IDN types and the following 2-character number and letter combinations are available: number/number, number/letter and letter/letter. Excluded are country-code domains (ccTLDs) and terms that are generally blocked by ICANN or according to registry policy.
This is no "first come, first served" Sunrise. In case of multiple successfully validated applications, the allocation will be determined by auction between the eligible applicants.
Your .SAARLAND provider will inform you about pricing and registration options for 2-character .SAARLAND domains.
The 2-character domain names that are not registered in the Sunrise Period, will be offered as regular premium domain names as of March 26, 2015.
In addition to the remaining 2-character domain names, the Premium domain names include 1- and 3-character domain names and further premium terms with 4 or more characters. Excluded are 3-character domains with umlauts. These domain names can be registered on a "first come, first served" basis.
A list of the premium names will be available on our website as of mid-February. Your .SAARLAND provider will inform you about pricing for .SAARLAND Premium domains.